Aagard Machine Manual

Servo Motor Jog, Reference & Config Data

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Servo Motor Jog, Reference & Config Data

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Servo Motor Jog, Reference & Config Data

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Training Points


NOTE: The machine must be started in manual mode in order to jog or reference a drive





Accel (cm/s²)

This entry field specifies the acceleration rate the axis uses during jogging to accelerate to the specified velocity, in centimeters/second².


Velocity (cm)

This entry field specifies the velocity the axis uses during jogging, in centimeters.


Decel (cm/s²)

This entry field specifies the deceleration rate the axis uses during jogging to stop, in centimeters/second².


Negative Direction Button

Tap and hold this button to jog the servo axis in the negative direction of movement


Positive Direction Button

Tap and hold this button to jog the servo axis in the positive direction of movement.


Target Position (cm)

Enter a "move-to-position" value in this field and use the Go To button to move the servo axis to the specified position, in centimeters.


Go To Button

Tap and hold this button to move the servo axis to the position specified in the Target Position entry field via the shortest way possible.


Stop Button

Tap this button to stop the servo axis move to the target position.




NOTE: When drives are referencing in a group, this section will not be visible


Do Reference Button

Tap this button to initiate the reference routine for the servo.


Documentation Link

Tap this button to view a list of servos with reference information, including an image of the drive when it is in its referenced position.


Reference Position (cm)

This entry field specifies the position of the reference target, in centimeters.

NOTE: The servo position value is based on a calculation of the Reference Position value and the position value captured when at the reference target; during over-travel referencing, the target position is the travel limit, while during sensor referencing, the target position is the sensor location


End Position (cm)

This entry field specifies the position location where the axis will be when the reference routine of the servo is completed without error, in centimeters.


Verify Position (cm)

This entry field specifies the position of the verify reference sensor; it is used to confirm the servo position has been set correctly, in centimeters


Reference Sensor

This display indicates if the reference sensor has been made.

NOTE: The reference sensor indicator is displayed only if the drive uses a sensor for referencing



Configuration Data


Immediate Stop Decel (cm/s²)

This entry field specifies the default deceleration rate for the axis used during an immediate stop, in centimeters/second².


Fast Stop Decel (cm/s²)

This entry field specifies the default acceleration rate for the axis used during a fast stop, in centimeters/second².


Jerk (%)

This entry field specifies the default rate of change in acceleration for the axis, in percent.


Pos Error Limit (cm)

This entry field specifies the default position error limit for the axis, in centimeters.


Torque Limit (%)

This entry field specifies the default torque limit for the axis, in percent.



Status Indicators


Act Pos

This indicator displays the actual position of the servo.


Max Pos Err

This indicator displays the maximum position error which has occurred on this servo. The maximum position error is the largest position error which has occurred since the last time the reset button has been pressed.


Reset Button

Tap this button to reset the maximum position error.


Max Torque

This indicator displays the maximum torque the servo has used. The maximum torque is the highest torque which has been used since the last time the reset button has been pressed.


Reset Button

Tap this button to reset the maximum torque.


Servo Status

This indicator displays the actual status of the servo.


Advanced Status Button

     Tap this button to open a screen to view servo drive statuses.