Aagard Machine Manual

Operator Control Panel (HMI)

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Operator Control Panel (HMI)

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Operator Control Panel (HMI)

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Training Points




IMPORTANT NOTE: Throughout the HMI, not all buttons are visible and/or enabled for all users!




About the image displayed on this screen:


Each blue dot represents an equipment module on the machine. Tapping on the blue dot will bring the user to an equipment module detail screen.


A flashing red dot indicates a stop condition exists in that equipment module or unit.


When a guard door is open, a label indicating which door is open will be displayed next to the door which is open.


When an E-Stop button is depressed, the word E-Stop will display next to the E-Stop button which is depressed.

 NOTE: The red dots, door and e-stop texts will be hidden when the machine is reset