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Belt Replacement

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Belt Replacement

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Belt Replacement

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Tools Required:


Standard Wrench Set




1)Loosen pulley jack bolt and move the pulley so the belt is loose
2)Loosen the bolts that clamp the belt down on the pusher
3)Remove the belt from both sides of the clamp
4)Take a new belt of the same length and replace the old one
5)Place the new belt in both sides of the clamp evenly
6)Tighten the bolts on the clamp just enough so the belt stays in the clamp but still moves slightly
7)Tighten jack bolt to tension belt. Tension so the belt moves about ½ inch when pushed on in the center
8)Move the pusher back and forth a couple of times so the belt straightens itself out
9)Tighten the bolts on the clamp and on the pulley mount