Aagard Machine Manual

Production Data

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Production Data

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Training Points


This screen displays production data by shift.



Production Data Items




Product Count

Generally, the count of number of products coming into the Aagard system; custom setup in the PLC

Carton Count

Count of number of cartons produced by the cartoner

Carton Reject Count

Count of number of cartons rejected by the infeed

Case Count

Count of number of cases produced by the case packer

Case Reject Count

Count of number of cases rejected by the case packer

Faulted Count

The number of instances the system was not producing, caused by a fault

Faulted Time

Total amount of downtime caused by faults

Stopped Count

Count of number of cycle stops and user E-Stops when machine state is stopping, stopped, aborting or aborted, and the state change was not caused by a fault

Stopped Time

The amount of time when the system state is stopping or stopped and the last uptime state was producing, and the stop was not caused by a fault

Down Time Count

The number of instances the system was not producing, caused by a user stop or fault

Down Time

The amount of time  the system was not producing, caused by a user stop or fault > Downtime = Faulted Time + Stopped Time

Starved Count

The number of instances that upstream equipment was not delivering product but the Aagard system was available for product

Starved Time

The amount of time upstream equipment was not delivering product but the Aagard system was available for product

Blocked Count

The number of instances that downstream equipment was not receiving product but the Aagard system was in a producing state

Blocked Time

The amount of time downstream equipment was not receiving product but the Aagard system was in a producing state

Idle Count

Number of instances the system was not producing, caused by not receiving product or downstream not being available (starved and blocked)

Idle Time

Total amount of time the system was idle (starved or blocked)

Running Time

Total amount of time the system in a producing state

Available Time

Idle Time + Running Time

Machine Efficiency

Running Time / (Running Time + Down Time)

Available Efficiency

Running time / Running Time + Idle Time + Stop Time + Fault Time

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)

Running Time / Down Time Count

MTTR (Mean Time To Recover)

Down Time / Down Time Count

Running Time Since Last Stop

The amount of time accumulated since the last time the system went into a producing or idle state


Shift Start Hour

Enter the hour that the named shift begins. NOTE: 24 hour format; 2 decimals



Performance Data Button

Tap this button to open the Performance Data screen.