Changeover Values
Changeover locations on this screen appear in the sequence in which they are to be performed.
NOTE: Failure to perform changeovers in the correct sequence may damage the machine!
ID# Column
This label displays the number of the changeover location, as indicated on the placard attached to the machine near the changeover location.
Value Column
This entry field specifies the value of the changeover location for the current product.
Name Column
This label displays the name of the changeover location.
NOTE: The name of the changeover location is somewhat description of what is being adjusted
When there are more changeover locations than can fit onto this screen, Left and Right directional buttons will be available. Tap these buttons to navigate to additional screens.
Edit Button
Tap the edit button to view changeover locations in numeric order
NOTE: Authorized users may edit changeover values from these screens
Only the Number and Text fields are editable.
NOTE: Due to screen size, it is not advised to use the text field for instructions; please refer to the Changeover Adjustments section of this manual for specific instructions |
Print Button
Tap the print button to send a screen shot of the changeover values page to the default printer setup on the HMI. This printout may be used during a changeover procedure.
NOTE: It is recommend that the printout be discarded when the changeover has been completed to ensure there are no obsolete copies