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120 Machine Manual

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Drive Diagnostics

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Drive Diagnostics Tab



Not Used Status

This status will signal if the Servo Drive is not used


Enabled Status

This status will signal if the Servo Drive is enabled


Ready Status

This status will signal if the Servo Drive is ready


Active Status

This status will signal if the Servo Drive is active


Done Status

This status will signal if the Servo Drive is done


Faulted Status

This status will signal if the Servo Drive is faulted


Servo Drive Display Status

This will display what the Servo Drive Display is currently displaying. This will be displayed below the faulted status on the screen.


Location Status

This status will tell by what the Servo Drive is controlled in the program.


Positive Direction

This label communicates which direction makes the Servo Drive move in a positive direction.


Negative Direction

This label communicates which direction makes the Servo Drive move in a negative direction.


Act Pos Status

This status will display the actual position of the Servo Drive.


Max Pos Err Status

This status will display the maximum position error that has occurred on that Servo Drive. Maximum Position Error is the largest position error that has occurred since the last time the machine had been stopped.


Act Pos Err Status

This status will display the actual position error of the Servo Drive.


Max Torq Status

This status will display the maximum torque that the Servo Drive has used. Maximum Torque is the highest torque that has been used since the last time the machine had been stopped.


Act Torq Status

This status will display the actual torque that the Servo Drive is using.


Reset Features

These features will reset the Max Pos. Err. or Max Torq. values to zero and start recording the new max values of each of these statuses.


Close Button

This button will close the Servo Drive Diagnostic Box for this Servo Drive.