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120 Machine Manual

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Motor Data Page Items

**User Level 3 is required to edit this data entry field**

**Changes made to this data entry field will affect all products**

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This entry field is used to configure the kind of motor and motor control that is going to be used with each individual motor. There are four different configurations that can be selected via the drop down menu.


0) UniDirectional

This motor configuration is used with a motor that only travels one direction and is powered by a contact.


1) BiDirectional

This motor configuration is used with a motor that travels two directions and is powered by a contact.


2) Vacuum Pump

This motor configuration is used for vacuum pump motors only.


3) VFD

This motor configuration is used with a motor that controlled by a VFD.


"Forward" Time

This is the amount of time allowed for the motor to energize the "Forward" Sensor before causing a fault, if the motor has a "Forward" Sensor. If the motor doesn't have a "Forward" Sensor, the program will wait the amount time specified in this entry field before saying the motor is done or up to speed in the forward direction.


"Reverse" Time

This is the amount of time allowed for the motor to energize the "Reverse" Sensor before causing a fault, if the motor has a "Reverse" Sensor. If the motor doesn't have a "Reverse" Sensor, the program will wait the amount time specified in this entry field before saying the motor is done or up to speed in the reverse direction.


Change Direction Delay

This is the amount of time allowed for the motor to energize the "Forward" Sensor or the "Reverse" Sensor in the case of changing direction of the motor before causing a fault, if the motor has a "Forward" Sensor and a "Reverse" Sensor. If the motor doesn't have a "Forward" Sensor and a "Reverse" Sensor, the program will wait the amount time specified in this entry field before saying the motor is done with the change in direction.


"Forward" Sensor

This box needs to be checked if there is a sensor being used to sense if the motor is running in the forward direction. If this box is checked, a time limit will need to be specified in the "Forward" Time entry field.


"Reverse" Sensor

This box needs to be checked if there is a sensor being used to sense if the motor is running in the reverse direction. If this box is checked, a time limit will need to be specified in the "Reverse" Time entry field.