Aagard Machine Manual

Washdown Considerations

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Washdown Considerations

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Washdown Considerations

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If this machine is washdown, there are specific points to consider in order to properly maintain your system.


NOTE: Not all sections of this system may be wash down!


Please view the Aagard Equipment Standard topic in the machine manual for more information.


Before Washdown


Avoid direct spray to electrical components where possible (AC motors, sensors, solenoid valves, and especially on servo drives)
Cover glue tanks
Cover printers or other components not rated for wash down
Cover the entire HMI cabinet where possible


NOTE: Use of high pressure or reduced nozzles to create more pressure, including using a finger on the end of a hose, may cause moisture to reach inside wash down components


After Washdown


Blow off machine after wash down to remove standing water
Dry off areas which come in contact with liquid-absorbent materials
Grease after each wash down since some wash down chemicals are a degreaser
oThe higher the pressure used to wash down, the more likely grease will be washed out of bearings
oUsing a wash down degreaser chemical increases the possibility of grease being washed from bearings
Apply a light coat of oil to all linear rails (Thomson, THK, V-Rails, etc.)
oDo not contaminate the surrounding areas by applying too much oil


IMPORTANT NOTE: Dry cycle the machine after all of this is complete; doing so gets new lubrication worked into the bearings. This is especially important if the machine will be idle for a long period of time after wash down