Aagard Machine Manual

Servo Gearbox Replacement

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Servo Gearbox Replacement

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Servo Gearbox Replacement

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Tools Required:


Flathead Screwdriver Set
Metric Allen Wrench Set
Torque Wrench with Metric Allen Sockets
LP+/LPB+ Operating Manual
Rexroth IndraDrive Instruction Manual




1)Close HMI
2)Remove the cables from the failed motor by opening the metal clamps and gently pulling the cables off of the motor so you don’t damage the plug
3)Remove the small cap that covers the set screw in the gear box and loosen the set screw but Do NOT REMOVE IT
4)Remove the mounting hardware that holds the servo motor and related mechanical assemblies in place
5)Remove the failed motor
6)Compare the part numbers of the old and new motors to make sure the new motor is the correct motor
7)Clean all the mating surfaces and install new motor in the same orientation as the failed motor. Motor should slide into gearbox with very little resistance
8)Apply a small amount of Loctite (#243) to bolts and then bolt motor to gearbox. (Use only Grade 8 Bolts)
9)Torque the set screw in the gear box to one of the following: (Gear box LPB090, Torque to 23 (Nm) and Gear box LPB120, Torque to 45(Nm))
10)Replace the small plastic cap that covers the set screw hole on the gear box
11)Set the address for the new motor inside of the termination plugs. One side will have an H stamped inside; set this potentiometer to the left most digit in the servo address. The other side will have an L stamped inside; set this potentiometer to the right most digit in the servo address for example: for servo axis 08: H = 0, L = 8
12)Note: New version drives use SW 4 and SW5 for setting node address. (SW5 = Value of tens, SW4 = Value of ones), for example: for servo axis 08: SW5=0 and SW4=8
13)Reattach the cables, be careful not to damage the connectors. The cables are keyed so they will only go onto the correct terminal. Secure them by pushing in on the metal clamps
14)Replace the KCU module fuses
15)Launch the HMI
16)Once the initialization process is complete, the drive must be referenced