Aagard Machine Manual

Glue Tank Replacement

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Glue Tank Replacement

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Glue Tank Replacement

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Tools Required:


Standard Wrench Set
Standard Allen Pack
Flathead Screwdriver Set
Phillips Screwdriver Set
Nordson Manual
Leak-Proof Container (for draining glue tank)




1)Note that this procedure may require the use of the Nordson Manual
2)Record the following four settings of the glue tank unit to be replaced, if possible:
a)Tank Temperature
b)Line Temperature
c)Gun Temperature
d)Air Pressure
3)Drain the glue into a leak proof container using the drain behind the lower front panel of the unit
4)When the glue is drained, remove the power from the unit using the Glue Disconnect
5)Allow the glue tank to cool, (minimum of 1 hour)
6)Once the glue tank has cooled, disconnect all hoses and power cords at the tank
7)Loosen or remove mounting hardware
8)Remove the old unit from its mounting brackets
9)Set the new unit in place
10)Attach the new glue tank unit to the mounting brackets
11)Reconnect power and hoses
12)Apply power
13)Fill the tank with new glue pellets
14)Adjust settings for new the unit to original settings recorded earlier (use the Nordson Manual as needed)
15)Typical setting ranges for Aagard glue are as follows: NOTE: These settings may vary depending on application and machine set up
16)Tank Temperature: 330 to 340 Degrees
17)Line Temperature: 340 to 345 Degrees
18)Gun Temperature: 345 to 350 Degrees