Aagard Machine Manual

Downstacker Servo Gearbox Coupling Replacement

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Downstacker Servo Gearbox Coupling Replacement

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Downstacker Servo Gearbox Coupling Replacement

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This topic applies to Case Packers only


Tools Required:


Standard Wrench Set
Standard Allen Pack
Metric Allen Pack




1)Turn off power to the machine
2)Unhook the servo cables
3)Mark the position of the hub on both shafts with a marker before removing them
4)Remove the servo gearbox assembly with mount attached
5)Take the coupling assembly out and replace it with the new one (put it in the same position as the old one as marked on shafts)
6)Put the servo gearbox assembly back in - It should go back together with very little force
7)Tighten all bolts
8)Hook the servo cables back up
9)Turn on power to the machine