Aagard Machine Manual

Cylinder Replacement

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Cylinder Replacement

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Cylinder Replacement

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Tools Required:


External Snap Ring Pliers
Standard Wrench Set
Metric Wrench Set
Standard Allen Pack




1)Turn off the main air supply for the machine
2)For top and bottom cylinders, remove the bolt at the end of the rod
3)Use the snap ring pliers to remove the pin at the base of the cylinder
4)Remove the cylinders and replace with new ones, remove with wrench. You may use the same fittings or new ones.
5)Use the same rod ends
6)Put the cylinders back in reverse order
7)For the cylinders on the side, remove the finger on the top of the shaft
8)Remove all the bolts which mount the cylinder to the plate
9)Replace the old cylinder with the new one. You may use same fittings or new ones
10)Put new cylinders back in reverse order
11)Turn on the main air supply for the machine